Writer's Boot Camp
Feeling like you could use a boost to your current writing practice?
(You DON’T have a current writing practice?!!!)
Are you working on a specific project and aiming to reach your autumn benchmarks?
(You HAVEN’T set your autumn benchmarks?!!!)
Are you more productive with structure and peer editing?
(Or, have you been blessed with self-discipline and friends who edit for free?)
You are not alone.
(Or you are, but not lonely, and all that feel good crap).
Graduate school advisors, agents, publishers, editors, they may all give you work to do, but they cannot give you the discipline to actually do it. And across the board, all of these people expect you to have drafted and polished your work before submission. As with physical fitness, nutrition, or even psychological therapy, some people benefit by being required to check in and make explicit commitments to yourself and others. Paying for help also motivates some people.
This Fall, join a small group of committed writers to develop effective writing habits that could continue into the future. This boot camp, like others, will focus on basics, form, and discipline. We will together learn how to map out a writing project, better understanding the relationship between where you are now in your writing process and where you want to end up, and importantly, by when. We will learn tricks to better face the “terror of the blank page.” We will learn how to best read our own work through the reading of others’ work. And perhaps most importantly, we will create a safe space to share our writing with similarly committed authors.
This Fall 2013 offering of the boot camp is limited to four writers. The price is firmly set at $300.00. No refunds will be issued after October 5th. We will meet in my home in West Los Angeles. We will have unlimited coffee/tea as well as some homemade food. If you write with music, you will need to bring headphones and your own iPod or iPhone music player. Dress comfortably for writing. Bring your writing instruments of choice. Please keep in mind that all phones will be “off” during each two-hour session. We will meet together as a group four times, though you will twice be required to meet with another group member in between these four collective sessions.
Meeting dates:
Saturday, October 5th, 9am
Saturday, October 12th, 9am
November 16, 9am
December 7, 9am
Please write me with any questions. I will be creating an enrollment list and a wait list.
If you have interest, write me early. Again, the limit is set to four writers.